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According to the IRS, tax-filing seasons starts Jan. 20According to a statement made by the IRS yesterday, taxpayers can being filing their taxes 2014 returns on Jan. 20.In spite of a last-minute tax law that as passed by Congress and and signed by President Obama, tax-filing season will begin on time.Early in December, a bill was passed by Congress that extended more than 50 tax breaks that expi
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has earmarked January 20 as the start of the tax filing period.Yesterday, the IRS stated that taxpayers can begin filing their taxes 2014 from January 20. The tax filing period will begin on schedule, in spite of a late tax rule introduced by Congress and approved by President Obama, according to the agency.Previously this month, a bill was passed by Congress th
The tax filing season starts at the end of Jan. The IRS said that people can start filing their taxes 2014 returns on January 20.Despite a last minute tax law that was passed by Congress, the tax-filing season will still start on schedule, according to the IRS.Congress passed a bill that extended more than 50 tax breaks, which were due to expire next year. Under the new law, the breaks will not e
When it’s time for you to buy a house, make sure that you aren’t just blindly following any advice. Make sure that you take your time to fully understand that you are getting into. Your finances are going to either take a major hit, or you’re going to be able to gain leverage when purchasing your dream home. The key to moving forward within this world is simple, you need to have patience, a
  Many people may be thinking that it’s too early to think about next year’s taxes. However, if you own a small business, or you’re making moves in the coming months, you absolutely need to think about your next year’s or even quarterly tax returns. A lot of things happen throughout the year, and if you aren’t keeping tabs on anything, you may find yourself at a loss when March comes ar
Every year millions of people scramble to do their taxes, and companies have been noticing a swell of people that want to go online to get things done. That’s where companies like Turbotax Online, and others have come together to connect those millions of people that have been using their line of products, with others that are like minded. From gathering in a connection setting like “QuickBooks C
As the deadline for filing 2013 taxes approaches, beginners are faced with a much bigger challenge. Many of them do not know that there are fines and penalties for missing the deadline. That is because they have never filed tax returns in the past. Mistakes are more likely going to be made, but proper preparation can help to minimize errors. For instance, putting all your financial records for th
Online filing taxes using the TurboTax 2014 software, is the best and quickest method to get your refund. The refund amount credits to your bank account via net transfer, without any hassles and delays. Close to 84 million tax payers availed this method due to its simplicity and ease of operation. The advantages detailed below will prove to you why filing taxes online is the best option.Security

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